Pay it Forward - Tickets


Buy a ticket for someone else. This money will go into a specific pool we keep for allocating free tickets to members of our community who otherwise couldn’t attend our shows. Thank you for allowing us to bring circus into the hearts of as many people as possible.

Pay It Forward

Buy a ticket for someone else. This money will go into a specific pool we keep for allocating free tickets to members of our community who otherwise couldn’t attend our shows. Thank you for allowing us to bring circus into the hearts of as many people as possible.

Buy a ticket for someone else. This money will go into a specific pool we keep for allocating free tickets to members of our community who otherwise couldn’t attend our shows. Thank you for allowing us to bring circus into the hearts of as many people as possible.

If you know someone who would love our shows, but can’t afford our ticket prices. Please tell them to get in touch with either Freyja or Kelsey and ask for a ticket from the pay-it-forward pool. As long as the pool exists, we will be happy to oblige.

Additionally, if you are interested in making a larger donation to this pool or our other programs, get in touch with Freyja to talk about our community engagement programs and how you can be involved.

