ROOKE Productions Ltd - Treasurer Position Description

(download a PDF of this Position Description here)

Mission and Purpose:

We lift people up. ROOKE elevates our art form, uplifts its audiences and community and helps our employees, collaborators and audiences to grow.

What we do:

ROOKE Productions Ltd creates cutting edge performance art that elevates contemporary circus as an art form. We shift our audiences’ perception of what circus can be - putting Lutruwita/Tasmania on the map as a maker of world-class circus.

We create performances, events and opportunities that are uplifting. We build and foster audiences and communities with a sense of inclusion and belonging. We support and foster up-and-coming artists, giving to the future of the Tasmanian and Australian arts scene.

We are creating a more sustainable model for creating and presenting our work. We aim to tread lightly on the planet and respect our artist’s bodies, fostering a culture of longevity and care for ourselves and the world we create within.

Our people

ROOKE was founded by five of Australia's leading contemporary circus artists; Tony Rooke, Mieke Lizotte, Lewie West, Conor Wild and Freyja Wild. Each of ROOKE’s members have toured and created cutting edge circus all over the world. The founding members have a collective performance experience of over 130 years and have worked with companies including Circa, Gravity and Other Myths, The Queensland Ballet, Cirque Eloize, Cirque du Soleil and the 7 Fingers.

We are joined by Ryan Mahony, technical director. Ryan is an audio engineer, production manager and technical director. He has worked extensively in Australia and around the globe presenting work to over a million people across 22 countries in circus, puppetry, theatre, musical theatre and live music with companies including Ed Sheeran, Circa, Terrapin and Critical Stages.

Organisation Roles.

Freyja Wild - Artistic Director and CEO.

Conor Wild - Artistic Associate and REAP coordinator.

Ryan Mahony - Technical Director.

Dana-Marie Jensen - CAT Tour Manager.

Kelsey Rosevear - Marketing Manager.

Martin Tunley - Accountant.

Mieke Lizotte - Artistic Associate.

Tony Rooke - Artistic Associate.

Lewie West - Artistic Associate.

Our Guiding Values:


ROOKE’s people behave with generosity. We are open and warm; to our audiences, our co-workers, our collaborators, our community.

ROOKE is generous in all our work, bringing people in, collaborating, giving back to the industry and community and lifting others up. We actively create opportunities to engage with our work for those who might not be able to otherwise.

We know our limits; we stay in our lane, choosing projects and collaborations we are confident in and love doing, and passing on work that doesn’t align with the skill-sets and passions within the organisation. We are actively seeking a network of aligned businesses and artists so that when we are offered work we can’t do, or don’t want to do, we can pass it on to someone better suited to the offer.


At ROOKE we are courageous. We make bold decisions, dream big and chase our ambitions. We are not afraid to question how things are done, try new things or find our own path. We have the courage to admit when we are wrong, to learn from our mistakes; to be open and honest in our humanity and fragility. We have the courage to examine what we are doing, look outward, change and adapt if what we are doing ceases to be relevant.

We have the courage to have the hard conversations. To communicate clearly and openly to ask for what we need and what we’re worth. We understand that our actions pave the way for future generations, and we don’t take this lightly.


We treat everyone with respect, always. We recognise that everyone has intrinsic value, and that each person will find us through a unique pathway. We believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt and allowing them to exist in a space free of judgement. This makes for better work, communication, community and a far healthier working environment.

We respect our audiences. Whilst we may create work that is challenging or political, we approach our work with respect and sensitivity, and always with the audience experience in mind.

We respect our artists’ bodies and lifestyle choices. We create, perform and remunerate our artists in a way that allows them to respect and care for their bodies and to live the lifestyle they choose; this often means supporting artists to move away from full-time touring and find a more sustainable or family-oriented life. This also means making choices for the longevity of the organisation first.

We respect the planet and the land on which we live and create. We aim to tread lightly on the planet. To create and present work in a sustainable manner and consider our environmental impact in all our operations.


ROOKE is seeking a Board Treasurer with experience as a Non-Executive Director, a qualification in financial management or accounting and values that align with ROOKE’s values. 

Our Values guide all we do: Generosity, Courage, Respect. ROOKE also proactively seeks to maintain balance in terms of diversity of age, gender and ethnicity relative to our base of operations.

Board Responsibilities:

The ROOKE Board provides leadership, governance, strategic thinking, networks, advocacy, stakeholder engagement and creative application of skills to maximise the value of Rooke to Northern Tasmania, to the circus community of Australia, and beyond. 

Under the leadership of the Chair, the Board will excel in:

  • Role modelling ROOKE’s values.

  • Acting in the interests of ROOKE.

  • Contributing to the development of policies and strategic plans.

  • Understanding the organisation's financial affairs and ensuring fiduciary responsibilities are met.

  • Evaluating, guiding and supporting the CEO. 

  • Knowing the organisation's mission, programs, policies, and needs.

  • Preparing for meetings by reviewing the agenda and supporting documentation.

  • Regularly attending board meetings and participating actively and conscientiously.

  • Keeping up with issues and trends that affect the organisation.

  • Participating in the evaluation of business operations and management.

  • Approving audit reports, budgets, and business decisions.

  • Ensuring the organisation complies with legal requirements.

  • Maintaining confidentiality on all internal organisational affairs.

The Board is a skills-based Board, in line with current best practice from the AICD, and Board Members are required to identify their demonstrable experience in certain areas.  

Our expectations from ROOKE’s Board:

A member of ROOKE’s board:

  • is aware of the scope of ROOKE’s work outlined in our Strategic Plan and the vision of the Artistic Director and Artistic Associates. 

  • is aware of the need for ROOKE to secure ongoing and continuous funding from multiple sources. 

  • thoroughly participates in Board meetings, including by reviewing the agenda and board papers ahead of time and by regularly attending board meetings and participating actively and conscientiously in discussions and management of the Organisation.

Treasurer Responsibilities:

In particular, the Board is focussed on finding someone to act as a formal Company Treasurer; which includes the following additional responsibilities:

  1. Financial Oversight:

    • Monitor and analyse financial performance, providing regular reports to the Board of Directors.

    • Be the Board lead on the annual budgeting process in collaboration with Management and the Board.

    • Ensure compliance with financial policies, procedures, and relevant regulations.

  2. Budgeting:

    • Leading the Board in collaboration with executive staff for annual budgeting processes.

    • Track and report on budget variances, recommending adjustments as needed.

    • Provide financial guidance to assist in resource allocation and decision-making.

  3. Financial Planning:

    • Assist in long-term financial planning to support the organisation's sustainability and growth.

  4. Reporting and Audit:

    • Prepare and present financial reports, in collaboration with the CEO and accountant, to the Board on a regular basis.

    • Coordinate with external auditors for annual financial audits, ensuring compliance with accounting standards and regulations.

  5. Fundraising Support:

    • Collaborate with the fundraising team to provide financial data and analysis for grant applications and donor outreach.

Key Requirements:

● Bachelor's degree in finance, accounting, or a related field (CPA or CFA certification is a plus).

  • Prior experience in financial management, preferably in a not-for-profit organisation or arts-related field.

  • Proven attention to detail. 

  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal.

  • Previous Board experience preferred.

  • Demonstrable skills in managing documents and Board communication. 

  • Knowledge of the organisation and the relevant industry.

  • Sufficient time available for board duties.

  • Strong diplomatic and interpersonal skills.

  • Demonstrable commitment to ROOKE’s values.

Rooke is an equal opportunity organisation and welcomes candidates of all backgrounds and experiences to apply.

Time Commitment:


  • 6 minimum per year (target 2 hours per meeting).

Other Time

  • 2-6+ hours considering Board papers

  • 5-15 hours between meetings

  • Total 100+ hours per year

Attendance Requirement

  • Board Members are expected to attend a minimum of 70% of board meetings per calendar year with no more than 1 unexcused absence and 3 absences (excused or otherwise).

Membership Fee

  • $50 (Board members can apply to have the fee waived)


  • ROOKE will provide a small stipend to board members of $20 per meeting to cover expenses.

How to Apply:

Please send your application to the Artistic Director/CEO, Freyja Wild, at with the Chair, Dwayne Baraka in cc at

Application should include:

  • A current CV (no more than 3 pages), including contact information for two references.

  • A written letter or statement (no more than 2 pages) clearly addressing the Responsibilities and Key Requirements.

In your application please;

  • Introduce yourself and give context on your experience and background as well as your vision and passion.

  • Outline what excites you about working with ROOKE in this role.

  • Tell us what you will bring to help our team live its values and help ROOKE be one of Australia’s premiere contemporary circus organisations.

  • A description of a positive working culture or environment you have been part of, and what actions you took to contribute to that positive culture.

  • Anything else you want us to know about you in relation to the skills you bring to this role.

Applications will be assessed by a selected team of representatives from the staff and board of ROOKE. All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application.

Any questions regarding the application process can be addressed to Freyja or Dwayne via the email addresses above. If you have further needs to allow you to fully engage in this application process, please contact us.